Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Dinner at the Tontine
Sorry folks I cant bring myself to call it the Cleveland Tontine to me it will be the Tontine and equally McCoy's Tontine. Many a wild night was spent here as locals rubbed shoulders with rockstars.The only reminder of those days is a picture of Munro in the drawing room as it would have been now more of a snug sitting area. Tales like the local farmer who escorted one famous Brigitte around the North Yorkshire countryside until daybreak I feel are now part of a history sadly never to be repeated. The legendary Eugene McCoy and the Tontine seem to go hand in hand. We have to be brave and face winter 2013 .A bestie friend Louise and I set out to see how the food fared on Monday evening. The dining room lit with candles,crisp white table clothes and odd plates a little of the past remains. We settled for the 3 course tea time menu even though it was after 8pm. I had never had eel before and razor clam so that was my choice of starter. Interesting starter with treacle? brioche perhaps with a little taster of a deep fried oyster with advocado puree. I went for fish again -beautifully executed sausage of lemon sole.Louise had lamb pie. Pudding was heavenly mascarpone ice cream, hot chocolate soufflé and yet another sausage this time of fresh fruit.Kindly sent over by another diner for us -champagne. We toasted to the old days,the magic and memories that Eugeene McCoy create and to the new Cleveland Tontine for the delicious food we had eaten. 

Unfortunately with the light been low the photos are quite blurred