Sunday, 19 January 2014
Monday so it must be Thirsk....
Market days in Thirsk are on Mondays and Saturdays .I seldom go on Saturdays as they tend to be busier but there is a good car park and it makes for a great detour when going to visit the Heriot Museum or just have a wander around the town to see the shops. Drop in and have a coffee at The White Rose Book Shop and Cafe. Or to eat on the hoof smaple the wears of Lees the Butchers. Mr Lee is known for buying top quality meat at the local Thirsk market. It is his pork pies that draw me into the shop on a regular basis. When I was a little girl we always went and I climb the steep flagged steps into the shop they don't seem quite so steep now but then I would have been about 4 at the time .Always I remember the bras door handle. When I took a photo I commented on it to the staff .They smiled when I told them the story. I could see they were thinking as mad as a hatter in the nicest sort of way. The clock tower stands proudly in the centre of the square which is cobbled.Goodness knows why they keep resetting the cobbles I am sure there are more twisted ankles on them than not. Pattison's the jewellers is just off the market square as you head out towards the race course. Yes Thirsk has its own racecourse and some happy times have been there espically at night meetings when Thirsk and surroundings turn out in their droves. There is a railway station too .ideal to get in Leeds or further afield and you can park in the Red House Pub car park for £2 

a day and the money goes to the Herriot Hospice. There is also an Austin Reed Outlet shop where you can pick up a good bargain.