Monday 4 February 2013

Pleasure after work

I took Shirley over to our beach chalet at Filey this afternoon .We had been studying and listening hard-see previous blog- and Filey wasn't that far away. We got some fish and chips in town and took them down to the chalet to eat them .It was a lovely day to say it was only February. The tide was just going out and it was surprising how many people there were about going for a stroll. Kettle on the coffee was soon made and the table set for lunch.It is surprising how warm it was as we settled down in the chalet chairs out of the wind although we did keep our coats on. All to soon we had to head home. The sun lit up the waves. The tide rippled the sand. Each time revelling a longer stretch of sand around the bay.If you would like to have this unique experience you are welcome to use our beach house for free when you stay 2 or more nights with us.It is there on a first come first taken basis so don't
miss out