When it isn't lockdown you will find me in Christine and James Bentley's Castle Stores up Church Street in Helmsley opposite the church. Bunting hung up in the windows will catch your eye and make you want to go in.
It is my favourite shop in Helmsley and run by proper Helmsley locals. So once you have chosen your wool, knitting pattern, buttons and anything else that takes your fancy you mustn't stop there you must keep on exploring deeper into the back room..... full of books ,big books little books ,war books ..not for me thank you,,,spy books again too scary ... cookery books, village life books the books you buy 6 at a time to take on holiday and read them before you even start to pack . Christine's books are only a pound each as they are much loved books... and sold as gently read. I like those Agatha Raisin ones too. Pretty yummy mummy covers too. As for Harry Potter I read the first one but as I said before I dont do scary. Oh and I mustn't forget gardening books . Just Looooove gardening books but why you may ask do I buy a book with a title my 3ft by 3 ft small space garden or one as grow your garden on your balcony ..when we have over an acre of garden.
As you head down towards the market place is Claridges yes I am still in Helmsley as the given name is usually relates to the one in London. But I am not looking to take afternoon tea but for more books .This time to give as a present well if I buy one for my Dad or Jack I can read it too. The books in here are more to do with local ,sports and country life as well as a host of other things. Over the year I have bought most of the Tales of Countrymen here. Beautifully hard backed books which would grace the finest of coffee tables. Upstairs they have an amazing collection for children including 3 versions of Alice in Wonderland how truly wonderful in wonderland is that. Here you see when I took the Mad Hatter exploring. Tomorrow I will tell you what book I pulled form under the bed ...yes I keep running out of space to put them ...and what I did with what I read inside.