Monday 20 April 2020

Adding bee keeping to my skills

What a B day .... I started off enjoying my bees .Looked after them like children, tucked them up in bed ...well their hive in Autumn. Fought off the wasps and vermin that tried to eat their supply. In Winter fed them and even on Boxing Day would go with candy to feed them . Dont laugh it was true. I have gone up trees and into some of the most precarious places to retrieve a swarm.
Then I got stung and again and again and 3 years ago ended up at the hospital with sepsis  . It was getting too regularly an occurrence. For some reason they like me or not .
So as it is Jack who eats the honey and I dont really like the taste of it he said he would help cant be too much to do ... He has soon got fed up with these time consuming little creatures and what really did it for him he got stung on the chin and what a mess he was.
So it was a joint effort . In my bee hey days not too long ago I had over a dozen hives .The trouble is you have to go into the hives on a hot day when they are all flying to see what is going on and even though I wear a full suit I wear extra clothes underneath as the suits these days are so thin they can sting straight through.Wellington so they dont get up my trouser legs and long thick leather gloves . So I feel I am in a walking sauna and when you lift a box full of honey at a back breaking angle you are looking at probably 3 stone in weight.
Anyway we have 2 hives now .And here you will see them busy and buzzing and there is Jack walking down the path he has had enough of them .So when you dip your knife or spoon  into that honey jar just think of how labour intensive it is .

Honey bees must gather nectar from two million flowers to make one pound of honey. One bee would therefore have to fly around 90,000 miles - three times around the globe - to make one pound of honey. The average honey bee will actually make only one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.