Sunday, 19 February 2023

Time to spend in the garden

Every year I say I will make an early start in the garden . A bit like a stitch in time saves nine .The aconites are out and an abundance of snowdrops. Bulbs are popping up all over ,the birds are singing. A few bees are out and when I went up the other day to look at the hives, they all look as if they have survived the winter. Always a worrying time for bee keepers. I find bees are harder to look after than children they are always wanting something doing to make sure they are doing ok. They are so special, we need to do what we have to with them, but trust me if you have never kept bees and havent donned a bee suit in the middle of Summer, I dont find it theraputic as a lot of bee keepers would say. Jack has already being cutting the hedges and the hedges up the sides of the drive are getting well established now but the deer cant be turned even though we put a deer fence up last year and we think they are the culprits for the gaps. We mustnt'grumble as we love to see the deer which will soon start to graze at the back of the house and come most tea times. The green shoots of the wild garlic are pushing through now and life in the woods is starting to wake up after a not too harsh winter. It is always nice to see the scarlet fairy cups - which they say are edible but I prefer to leave them for the fairies. Last Sunday I was up in the woods with the grandchildren as they are making yet another waterfall. Martha was happy making little bowls out of the clay and it was all very civalized till they got carried away and daubed it on their faces like Red Indians. But they enjoyed themselves and that was the main thing and not a computer game in sight. So it just goes to show take children into a forest and they are all happy and learn how to play using their imaginations like we did as children. So Grannies and Granddads, time to think to bring your children to roam in our woods while you sit around on a tree stump with your gin and tonics />

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Full Moon: February Full Snow Moon