Saturday, 15 February 2014
Fridays are market days in Helmsley
There isn't many Fridays when I don't get down to Helmsley market. My first memories are going on the bus with my Grandfather before I was old enough to go to school. We went to the bank -it felt a bit like the bank you see in the Mary Poppins film. We went to the fish stall.Grandfather had a magic little bag made of oil cloth that was rolled out and

was just for fish. He bought Whitby cod and some fishcakes EVERY week.And then we went to the bakery for bread and iced bread buns. 55 years on it is basically the same routine -bank and go to get some fish along with other visits too. The butcher van is laden with meat -we supply this butcher and have done so down the generations. Near to it is the most amazing cheese stall - I think this is probably my favourite stall not only do they have lots of delicious cheese they are the most wonderful local,cheerful people I have known all my life -well Cathy is a bit younger. Nigel was brought up at a farm just over the hill from us and we were both born in the same vintage year.