Monday, 7 August 2017

Hovingham Village Market -roll on Ampleforth Village Market too

It has been quite a time since I first visited Hovingham Market. Last Saturday I just had time to nip out and catch up with a few old friends who ran had stalls there, the Honey Man Adrian Wilford,who comes to see me every year with his official bee inspectors' hat on  and ,Justin Staal who sells the most amazing smoked fish- no wonder he wins prizes for it and was almost sold out when I got there. Cathy and Nigel -Ryedale Cheeses had their caravan there and Haxby bread man - well who could resist that bread.
The were new faces to see to a very pleasant girl selling chocolate and supporting the butterflies. Martyn the butcher who always was at Helmsley on a Friday on the butcher's cart selling amazing pies and a lovely hand painted board caught my eye to Annabelle's Farm Gate who was selling delicious puddings, fruit crumbs and chocolate tiffin. Also she was also selling was children's baking kits.
So I came away with bread, chocolate ,a pudding,cheese and 5 pork pies. I was very tempted by the pottery buttons too, Maybe next time.

 And a macaroon man .....

So I came away with bread, chocolate ,a pudding,cheese and 5 pork pies. I was very tempted by the pottery buttons too, Maybe next time.

On the last Saturday in the month the 26th August which is the bank holiday weekend Ampleforth will hold its village market at Yorkshire's Favourite Pub -the White Swan in Ampleforth right in the middle of the village. So I hope to see you there. I for one will be taking a very large basket .