Wednesday 19 December 2018

Welcome to Yorkshire White Rose Awards

A promise to myself I must catch up writing my blogs. November was a very busy and exciting month for me as you will see in the following blogs .It started off with Welcome to Yorkshire White Rose Awards which were held in Harrogate. Jack has decided he has done enough of wearing a dickie bow and having to wear shoes that pinch his feet. In my other life of doing marketing for other businesses I had managed to get 3 through to the finals and after Jack made me promise not to go in for them again myself I was kindly invited along by the finalists I had submitted the entries

for. He didn't like the pressure of having to answer /or not answer the telephone. As previously the judges had awarded be 100% for breakfast,welcome and accommodation but scored only 75% when the telephone had been answered -we ll Jack had done his best but on the day his best was good enough.
Move on and drink the gin ... Slingsby Rhubarb gin it is one of my favourites and with partner in drink Catherine Feather we were treated to the biggest glassfuls.
Even the food was very good as usually it is only passable at these large events - we had a miniature ploughmans lunch to begin with followed by lamb cutlets which were delicious.  The puddings was dashes and dabs and jelly type things which didn't seem to go down as well as th e18 bottles of wine on our table ...hey not a drop passed my lips I was very happy with the gin.
I finally walked up our drive at 2.30am as the other party revellers on the table whooped it up util 4.30am I think I am now showing my age