Today, thanks to Business Link I went along to hear Shaa Wasmund speak at York racecourse about social networking and its benefits. So there are now words like Facebook,,Linkedin and digg all to explore. How Shaa manages to "twitter" or is it "tweet" when doing her supermarket shopping beats me.
Tomorrow I will get back to painting of the sun house. With the beautiful hot weather we have had over the last couple of days it is quite a nice job to do.It is quite a sun trap here. I understand the forecast is good for next week too.
I have been appointed the weekly correspondent for Wass for the Darlington and Stockton Times newspaper. The villagers are all pulling together to raise funds for the rebuild of the village hall. Any one with any suggestions or donations please let us know .
Tinas' pups are doing fine it is a pleasure to watch them as they all play and explore together.