Yes,Helmsley has its very own Arts Centre. It was the Friends Meeting House in a past life .Tucked away from the bustle of the market square down a little side street on the way down to the Post Office. For years it has been run by a merry band of volunteers .Time has moved on and in come Em Whitfield Brooks. I like her attitude -she is dynamic and also talented. You only have to google her to find out all about her. Passionate about the Arts Centre is what strikes you first. A business head too. We were kindly invited along to an open evening and a tour back stage before a "live" performance of War Horse. I love these sort of tours you feel you get to nkow about the running of the place far better then to see the polished peformance. Wednesday night in cinema night and live acts are available to be booked on-line before you come to stay. It is no good waiting until you get here as the Arts centre is a very popular local attraction too. With a good choice of eating places in Helmsley it makes for an enjoyable eveing out