The weeks seem to fly by let alone the days and if I miss a day or two that is allowed. I have been beavering away very hard to get the teddy bear finished for Rubi-Sues 1st birthday. It was 12.30am the other night when I finished sewing the paw pad onto a foot and then I had to start on the ears. Eve showed me how to stuff the bear and how the jointing goes together and put the eyes in- these were antique brown leather shoe buttons.What a collection Eve has collected up over the years to make these fantastic bears. The finishing touches have been added and I do hope Rubi will love her little pink girl bear.Thanks to Eve for all her patience and again to Louise who made another glorious lunch in between cleaning her very impressive chandelier which hangs over the kitchen table.Louise is amazing as she is always cooking and welcoming the volumes of people who step over her doorstep and making them meals.
Thanks also to the man who I flagged down in a car today when I was coming back from Helmsley I had spotted a deer that had been run over on the grass verge just at the top of Wass bank. I tried my best to lift it into the back of the car but it was a Seka and it was just too heavy . I was out of signal with my phone and waited for some kind person to stop to help me lift it into the boot. Most just drove past-wimps I thought not wanting to dirty their hands, the deer was dead for goodness sake it wasnt going to bite them. Then a kind man reversed up who informed me he was a butcher-its a wonder we hadn't dressed it at the side of the road there and then. It is all dressed and ready for the oven now and I will make sure Louise gets a joint to feed her hungry five thousand.
Sorry you can only see the back of the bear now as I dont want to waste the surprise