How does the saying go- Sugar and spice and all things nice that what little girls are made of .I was in York recently and was looking for a place and came across Waitrose . I had heard of this shop but never been, so did a detour. What a delightful supermarket it is. Expensive I hear you cry -no -Andrex toilet rolls were cheaper than in Sainsburys and Flora as cheap as Tesco and Asda.My mother was delighted I had found her packets of semolina. I found it a real pleasure to shop there. The staff were very pleasant. When I saw the cake counter I thought I must take a photo for all those like me -until that day - had never had the pleasure of stepping inside a Waitrose. What a delightful array of cakes and novelty biscuits. I came home clasping treats for Rubi-Sue. Just the sort of things Grannies buy little grand daughters.A foot shaped biscuit with pink icing and red toe nails and a heart shaped one with a pink sugar mouse on and fairy decorations. My treat was some Fendimans rose lemonade. If anyone can find me violet lemonade please let me know.Jack got a Shooting Times to keep him happy.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Sugar and Spice
How does the saying go- Sugar and spice and all things nice that what little girls are made of .I was in York recently and was looking for a place and came across Waitrose . I had heard of this shop but never been, so did a detour. What a delightful supermarket it is. Expensive I hear you cry -no -Andrex toilet rolls were cheaper than in Sainsburys and Flora as cheap as Tesco and Asda.My mother was delighted I had found her packets of semolina. I found it a real pleasure to shop there. The staff were very pleasant. When I saw the cake counter I thought I must take a photo for all those like me -until that day - had never had the pleasure of stepping inside a Waitrose. What a delightful array of cakes and novelty biscuits. I came home clasping treats for Rubi-Sue. Just the sort of things Grannies buy little grand daughters.A foot shaped biscuit with pink icing and red toe nails and a heart shaped one with a pink sugar mouse on and fairy decorations. My treat was some Fendimans rose lemonade. If anyone can find me violet lemonade please let me know.Jack got a Shooting Times to keep him happy.