They stand on Helmsley market every Friday come rain or shine and have a wonderful array of fruit and veg.As you will have read I won a silver at the World Marmalade competition.If you want to have a go at making some for yourself this is where I get my Seville oranges from. K E Bland comes from Ripon so if you cant get to Helmsley you will find all their details here.It is now getting to the end of the season and as you will see Mr Bland is busy filling up his boxes as they are selling quickly.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Get your oranges here...from K E Blands...
They stand on Helmsley market every Friday come rain or shine and have a wonderful array of fruit and veg.As you will have read I won a silver at the World Marmalade competition.If you want to have a go at making some for yourself this is where I get my Seville oranges from. K E Bland comes from Ripon so if you cant get to Helmsley you will find all their details here.It is now getting to the end of the season and as you will see Mr Bland is busy filling up his boxes as they are selling quickly.