What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we had glorious sunshine,today we had the strongest winds and the rainiest of days so thank goodness for indoor shopping. Must be 6 years since I have been to this centre outside York. I met Rubi-Sue now 14 months old and her Mummy for some girlie shopping time. How good this little girl was. Other than having two little walks and to stop for her dinner she sat in her buggy "reading a book or two" putting up with this shopping trip for 4 hours.She didnt go to sleep as you could see she wasn't going to miss a trick. She brought chunks of cucumber and peanut butter sandwiches, a drink and some grapes. Mummy said Rubi would have some chips too. There she was sat up like a little lady dipping them in a little box of tomato sauce then popping them in her mouth. Straight in and no sauce on her face. I was amazed.She had finished her drink then started on my banana milk shake.Her little face was a picture she sucked it up through the straw and then tipped it up as well as Jack does with his pint. She wasn't beyond sharing either, holding out her hand to give me some of her grapes.
Cant wait until she is old enough to have a pony. I had a chestnut one,it was always a bit of a handful . I have always thought grey ones have a sweeter nature so now Granddad Jack is looking out for her a little grey mare. If any one knows of one please let us know.