Or to some of us it is Brochure Pick Up Day . Held in the Auction Mart at Thirsk and organised by Welcome to Yorkshire. I was one of the first to get there as from previous experience I know how popular an event it is. Some go armed with trolleys and the like .After been greeted by Liz Tattersley who always makes a dull day look brighter with her sunny smile and first timer at the event Rosie - I saw her mother had come along,I teased her saying she had come to make sure her daughter was doing her meet and greet bit properly. Jane was actually picking up brochures for her own business. I headed straight to Elmtree Press who have bedroom browsers.I think are a must as they keep all the brochure in one neat pile advertising the attractions of the area. David Shields,hard working as ever was there. I was surprised to see Gary Verity,head of W2Y there as I heard he was busy lambing. Gary amazes me to the amount of functions he gets to. I don't think he will have time to sleep . Couldn't resist a photo of the Harrogate Flower Show, Beautiful study taken by the lady on the stands husband. He took an eye catcher last year too. Nice to see new and old faces. catching up with old friends from Whitby Captain Cook Museum. Wold Way Lavender ,Catherine Calvert from Hazel Brow Farm and Tea rooms and the Hawes Ropemakers to name but a few. The brochure are now installed in each of our bedrooms for you to read through at your leisure hoping you find them useful. Please remember

to leave them for future guests too