Friday 10 April 2020

I saw this post recently so for all you good people who are knitters .Or maybe it is time you will have a go.
Hi all, my twin sister works on ICU at York Hospital and the nurses have asked if anyone is able to knit or crochet some little red hearts (about 6.5cm). The patients that die in ICU are not allowed their family with them and so they want to put a little heart with their loved one as they sadly pass away and a duplicate heart will be sent out to the families.
If you know anyone that can do this,
I was thinking of the Yarnbombers! 😍😘😘
All colours are ok as long as they are in matching pairs
It is important to use clean yarn and seal them in a taped bag, such as a freezer bag, the bags should be dated because 72 hours must have elapsed before they are safe to use.
This is what they are doing in other hospitals...
For local people Send direct to the Hospital
Hearts for Covid-19 ICU
The York Hospital, Wigginton Road , York, North Yorkshire, YO31 8HE
As there are so many doing this please could you check with local nurses in your area and send to a hospital local to you, this way they won’t all end up in the same hospital!
Thank you to everyone 😘
Crochet pattern