The beauty of living where we do or staying here as guests you are surrounded by flora and fauna whatever time of year. We have had some brilliant sunny weather so everything is forward this year. And as the trees burst into bud and the fruit trees into blossom ,the lilac is just coming out and the birds sing as long as the day is light. Nothing seems to have changed here as far as nature is concerned . Always have your camera with you, as you never know when you will see one or more of theses beautiful creatures. You will have seen for earlier posts that the deer come right up to the back of the house I was quite taken aback today when I was coming on the road from the farm up towards the house. A young deer was walking down the middle of the road without a care in the world. It was quite unreal as if he had taken charge of traffic controls . He turned round and looked at me as if to say he was looking for directions. he looked at the house sign turned his head and then with a jump and a skip went up with drive in front of me . He went up about 50 yards in front of me and then decide to take a right and jump the fence and into the field .He wasn't really in a hurry and as I puffed up the hill and caught sight of him he just looked round ,stretched is legs and he was off.
So when lockdown is over and you think to venture to come to stay with us you must remember to bring your camera too